Signs You Need a New Roof

Signs You Need a New Roof


It is not something homeowners want to do. Your roof is an integral part of the home’s structure. You need to finish the job before any roofing issues become serious structural damage.

The Roof Has Been Damaged In Many Places

If the roof damage is limited to a portion of your current roof, you might be able to extend the life expectancy of your roof. A skilled contractor can use your spare shingles to fix any leaks or replace damaged roofing material.

If the roof leaks in multiple areas, or you are paying for “a few” shingles every time, it may be time to replace the whole roof.

Roof Repairs Are No Longer Economical

While a complete roof replacement can be costly, so are regular roof repairs. Removing an old roof and replacing it with a new one can save you money over the long term.

Your Roof Is Past Its Sell-by Date

Asphalt roofs are not meant to last forever. If you can get two decades from an asphalt roof in extreme weather conditions or with harsh UV rays, then consider yourself lucky.

Your Roof Does Not Comply With Current Building Codes

Did you know that many areas have strict building codes that restrict the number of layers that you can add to an existing roof? You might need to replace your entire roof if you have already installed two layers of roofing shingles.

Your House Has Structural Damage

Your house’s roof is an integral part. You might notice other signs of damage to the roof if it has been neglected for some time. Roof failure can cause wood rot, nail pops, roof deck damage, or a sagging roofing system.

Call All Star Roofing

All Star Roofing is a professional roofing business that you can trust. Our storm damage roofing specialists are happy to help with a quick roof repair project. This could be fixing a few roof leaks or replacing any missing shingles. If repair is not feasible, we can help you with a partial or complete roof replacement.

We offer the best roof repair in Tampa Bay FL. We are a family-owned and operated Clear water roofing business.
