How to create a modern living home

How to create a modern living home


There are a lot of ways you can furnish and decorate your home. There’s no wrong or right way to do it, when you’re furnishing your home what matters is that you find a style that works for you and those who might be living with you.

Listen to your instincts and don’t be afraid to spend a little extra time on picking out what you need. It can be worth it to wait for that perfect wire dining chair or oak table, after all your home is where you spend most of your time.

Look for inspiration everywhere

If you’re starting from scratch, or if you’re simply not sure how to go about furnishing your home, then it’s a great idea to look for ideas around you. Find inspiration in the living rooms and houses of friends, relatives, and people you visit.

There’s also a lot of inspiration to be found in furniture and design stores, and many stores have showrooms that are ripe with ideas you can take home with you, even if you don’t buy any products. Allow yourself to get inspired, and if you want a place to keep track of inspiration, you could use pinterest or make a folder of pictures on your phone.

The small details make up the whole

It’s important to consider the entire design of your home – what furniture, what decorations, what colours, what textures go together. But there’s also a lot to be gained from finding small pieces that you want to include.

If you have a beautiful painting you want in the living room, then pick everything else to go with that central piece. Or if you have a set of dining chairs and a table you’ve inherited, then make those the base for the rest of the furniture. That way you create a sense of coherence in the room.

Home Improvement