Choosing My Hybrid House by Airwell, an ecological gesture

Choosing My Hybrid House by Airwell, an ecological gesture


Far from being satisfied with innovation and cutting-edge technology, Ma Maison Hybride, designed by Airwell, French expert and creator of climate and thermal solutions for more than 70 years, is also part of an ecological approach. Thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels, the house becomes its own energy producer and is powered from an inexhaustible and free resource, solar energy. Coupled with an intuitive application to find on your smartphone, Air Home, expenses are calculated and adjusted as closely as possible. Within the house, the installation of a heat pump system is the key to an advanced approach in the preservation of the environment. Long-lasting qualities for a house that lives with the concerns of its time.

Ma Prime Rénov ‘or the CEE (energy saving certificate), there are numerous financial aids from the State to encourage the realization of projects that are more respectful of the environment. In 2021, the aid can help reduce heating bills by up to 70%. Daily support with less expensive consumption or a boost during the implementation of the project, State aid is aimed at different profiles to develop many projects.

 Adjust your consumption as closely as possible to your needs without wasting

With Ma Maison Hybride, Airwell offers a more fluid alternative to everyday life. Thanks to pre-established scenarios, the devices and equipment of the house anticipate your needs to avoid repeated small gestures and weary day after day

Through the Air Home application, energy consumption is also visible (depending on your equipment) in real time on your smartphone. Controlling and programming your connected devices in the house allows you to consume only what you need without leaving room for waste.

You can program your devices to follow the pace of your life with Airwell’s AirHome app.You can program your devices to follow the pace of your life with Airwell’s AirHome app.Airwell

 A green and inexhaustible source, solar energy

Choosing My Hybrid House also means choosing to become your own energy producer. Using kits of photovoltaic panels adapted as needed, the sun becomes an infinite source to power the electrical appliances of the house.

Preserve the planet with the equipment adapted to your home and connected to the sun.Preserve the planet with the equipment adapted to your home and connected to the sun.Airwell

It is also an intelligent control of its consumption. The connected AirHome application highlights various indicators to inform residents of good weather and suggest switching on their hot water tank, for example.

 Heat pumps: ecological solutions for indoor thermal comfort

Both innovative and simple, the new heating and air conditioning systems allow you to have ideal temperatures in the house without spending a lot of energy. The heat pump is the most common solution for heating a space or cooling it. It is based on a thermodynamic system comprising an indoor unit and an outdoor unit with a circulation of refrigerant between the two. In heating mode, calories are recovered from the outside to distribute them inside and in cooling mode, it is the opposite.

There are two types of heat pumps : air-to-air and air-to-water. In the first case, the air-to-air heat pump is better known under the name of reversible air conditioning. In the second case, the thermodynamic exchange takes place towards a water apparatus of the classic radiator type, underfloor heating or even fan coil.

Reversible air conditioning is the all-in-one solution that combines the benefits of a heat pump and air conditioning.Reversible air conditioning is the all-in-one solution that combines the benefits of a heat pump and air conditioning.onzon / Airwell

Last option at Airwell, the thermodynamic double flow CMV, the perfect system to compensate for heat loss! You can add a heat pump inside the house to fill the lack of power to reach the desired temperature. It provides new preheated air. It is very efficient while being energy efficient.

 State aid facilitates the implementation of these projects

In the event of renovation and improvement of energy performance, numerous financial aids are offered by the State. Note that all Airwell air-water devices are eligible. Among the possible aids, Ma Prime Rénov ‘is aimed at all owner-occupants, tenants and roommates. The CEE (Energy Saving Certificates) are accessible to all people who have carried out energy saving work. These are premiums, subsidized loans or diagnostics offered by certain companies.

To finance the energy renovation of your house, you can claim financial aid from the state

Certain aids facilitate energy renovation projects thanks to a reduced rate VAT (at 5.5% for energy performance improvement work) but also a zero rate Eco-Loan without conditions of resources and accessible to all. Many avenues to facilitate the work and thus reduce your heating bill by around 70%!
