Critical warning signs you need to book emergency furnace repair services

Critical warning signs you need to book emergency furnace repair services


Identifying the warning signals early on and scheduling a routine furnace tune-up before needing emergency repair is the best course of action to prevent heating inconveniences during winter. Remember that the winter season is one of the busiest for furnace repair specialists. The following are indications that you should schedule an emergency furnace repair service or a furnace tune-up.

The carbon monoxide detector keeps on going off.

You should take significant action if your carbon monoxide detector goes off. Leaks of carbon monoxide can be dangerous for you personally, your family, and your property.Several problems, such as a gas leak or an issue with the ventilation system in your furnace, could cause the triggered detector. Still, they all require quick attention from a qualified Calgary Furnace Repair specialist.

Your furnace has a yellow flame.

It is that easy. If you look closely at your furnace’s pilot light and notice an orange or yellow flame, the gas isn’t burning hot enough. This could indicate a carbon monoxide leak and a sign that your furnace is malfunctioning. Leaks of carbon monoxide can cause major health issues and even fire dangers.You shouldn’t attempt to resolve this alone and must contact a reputable specialist immediately.

Recurrent cycles

When a functioning furnace detects that the air is too cold, it turns on to control the temperature in your house. Often, repeated cycles are a sign of a failing furnace. This problem has several reasons, including a faulty thermostat, overheating, or an oversized furnace. If this issue persists, the unit may sustain irreversible harm, not to mention eventually increased heating expenditures.

Gas leaks

Although it should go without saying, it’s important to emphasize that you should call a furnace specialist immediately if you detect a gas leak. Turning off the furnace immediately is advisable since the gas is highly combustible, and even a minor spark might mean disaster for your house.

There’s no warm air coming from the vents.

Having access to heat in the cold is necessary. The pilot light or burner may be out if your furnace has ceased producing hot air. In this case, you should schedule an emergency repair.

An increase in energy costs

Have your energy costs increased much since this time last year? If so, it might be time to get your furnace fixed or replaced. Appointing a professional service provider can offer the right solutions to save heating expenses and improve energy efficiency.


These are not problems that go away on their own. It is advisable to call a qualified furnace specialist as soon as possible to identify the issue and remedy it before the climate gets colder.

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