6 Things You Should Clean Once Every Year

6 Things You Should Clean Once Every Year


When you already have enough chores in your “To-Do list”, it would make sense if you evaluated the chores and see what you can or cannot do daily. Sometimes it is not even possible to do everything you have put on the list. However, it is crucial to know what you need to do daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. For instance, if you have installed a Regency fireplace, you need to know how to work on it and when. Know how you will spread your work so that you accomplish everything and leave your home looking and feeling fresh. There are some chores that need your attention just once a year and this article will discuss six of them.

Chimney and Fireplace

The best time to clean your fireplace and the chimney is after the winter season. This is after you have used them throughout the season. There might be soot and creosote clogged in the chimney. So, work on both the interiors and exteriors to remove the soot and smoke odors. This will also be the best time to get a chimney sweep for your Regency fireplace Toronto.

The Gutters

This is probably the last place you will look at. However, it is crucial to inspect your gutters and clean them at least once every year. After the autumn season, there will be leaves all over, including the roof and the gutter. Remember, clogged gutters might cause damage to the roof and even cause leaks. So, unless you have a lot of trees around the house, clean the gutters once a year. You can also install gutter guards to deflect debris.


Before the summer season comes to an end and now everyone is planning on spending most of their time indoors, you can clean the upholstery and the carpets. You can either DIY or call professional carpet cleaners for the job. Before you start cleaning, test the cleaning solution on a hard-to-notice spot to confirm that it will not ruin the fabric.

Garage and Basement

This point does not necessarily mean that your garage or basement should be spotless unless you use it for other purposes. However, cleaning it once a year does not hurt. Sweep away the cobwebs and check for any moisture problems.


Even though designs have improved with time, it still makes sense to give your mattresses some attention. So, at least one time a year, clean them thoroughly to remove body soil, mites, and dust. Wash the cover with hot water and vacuum clean the rest of the mattress. If you notice stains, treat them with a mild detergent.

Outdoor Furniture

If you have outdoor furniture, it can be ideal to clean them one time a year. Apart from the fabric cushions and pillows, clean the rest just once. Make sure you use the right products when cleaning. Remember, the furniture has been designed from tough material to ensure it withstands harsh conditions. So, clean everything up and don’t forget the umbrella on the patio.

Closing Thoughts!

These are the six most important things that you do not have to do them frequently. However, make sure that a year does not go by without doing them.
